Building a Lean EnterpriseA Lean Enterprise is characterized by efficient processes with minimum waste, highly productive value flows,and a culture of continuous learning. Having run successful organization-wide Lean transformation initiatives in the past, we can say with a great degree of confidence that every organization can imbibe Lean Thinking into its DNA and enjoy the journey as well! By design, Lean initiatives are self-sustaining and self-evolving. There are no elaborate procedures or structures to be put in place, learning (training) can be hands-on and embedded within regular work. Since the initiative is driven by its own incremental, continuous successes, no large investments are required up-front. Kaizen Blitz Usually, it is good to start with point interventions in critical processes that need immediate attention. We call this a Kaizen Blitz! A Kaizen Blitz project is a time-bound (typically 8-10 days) intervention where a specific process or project is transformed quickly by embedding Lean principles. This includes a 1 day training for the team. The team can taste immediate success and is enabled to continue the Kaizen process. Sometimes larger, more complex process cycles may need simultaneous intervention in multiple projects or processes - multiple connected Kaizen Blitz projects running in parallel. This would typically be a 6-8 week engagement. Embedding Lean Thinking in an Enterprise To sustain process innovation at the organization level, a cadre of Lean practitioners and facilitators would need to be created. We have found a 3-step process to be useful in this regard: Explore, Engage and Empower, each stage lasting 6-8 weeks.
Kaizen BlitzKaizen is Japanese for Continuous Improvement and Blitz is German for lightening.
Kaizen Blitz is a focused 2-10 days a(usually 5 comprehensive days of work) special event involving every member of the team for crafting radical change in a process. It has following phases