SB Mehta (Strategic Innovation)
Dr. Shashi Bhushan Mehta (SB Mehta) is a senior IP professional with vast experience in field of Biomedical and life Science Technology, Electronics, and Computer Science. He is on the panel as Scientific Adviser to Controller General of Patent Designs & Trademarks, Government of India. His experience in the IP field includes Searching, Valuation, Infringement, Mapping, IP training etc. He has analyzed more than five thousand projects, research papers and patent documents in prior art pertaining to different research and IP activities. He has more than thirty-two years of experience in the field of Research and Development (R&D), and Intellectual Property (IP) while working with “Philips Corporate Technology” (NL), at Bangalore India, “Evalueserve” Gurgoan, “General Electric”, (Corporate R&D) JFWTC, Bangalore India and“Institute of Nuclear Medicine and Allied Sciences”Defence Research and Development Organization, Delhi.He has more than 75 scientific papers/ publications in National and International Journals to his credit including filing and granted patents. He recently completed a project on “Development and clinical validation of parametric based MR imaging technique: Ktrans and tissue diffusivity for evaluation of breast cancer” funded and supported by Department of Science and Technology, GOI. Dr Mehta has done his Master in Engineering (Electronics & Communication) from Delhi College of Engineering, University of Delhi, Delhi, India and PhD from Delhi College of Engineering/I.I.T Delhi. University of Delhi, India. He is adjunct professor and faculty at Vivekanand Global University, Jaipur, and at Manipal University, Karnataka. He guided and is also guiding students pursuing their doctoral work/higher studies.
At Crafitti he is focused on bringing his diverse experiences in Medical field and Patent Portfolios creation to build strategic intellectual property solutions for our clients. He is based out of national capital region (NCR) in India. Dr Mehta can be reached at [email protected]
At Crafitti he is focused on bringing his diverse experiences in Medical field and Patent Portfolios creation to build strategic intellectual property solutions for our clients. He is based out of national capital region (NCR) in India. Dr Mehta can be reached at [email protected]